
Membership Application

Click here to download the application

Constitution and Bylaws

 Click here to view the Constitution and Bylaws


Click here to download the Illinois PHCC Auxiliary scholarship application. Click here to download the scholarship rules. 

National Auxiliary Scholarships Available

The PHCC National Auxiliary will be awarding scholarships at the 2024 convention in Birmingham, Alabama. Students may request applications and copies of the scholarship rules by contacting:

Scholarship Chair
Jorja Dickemann
324 Glen Carbon Road
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Phone:  618/541-4782 
E-mail:[email protected]

Officers Elected

The following officers were duly elected at the 2024 annual meeting of the Auxiliary. President, Gail McWilliams; Vice President, Becky Davis; Secretary, Jenny Dipple; and Treasurer, Bev Potts.

Display the PHCC Logo With Pride

The Illinois PHCC Auxiliary is selling T-shirts. Please contact any Auxiliary officer or the Illinois PHCC office to purchase these items. Your purchase will generate profits for the Illinois Auxiliary and will also create public awareness of the PHCC logo.